Improving Managerial Effectiveness
To be a highly effective manager today, you must be a strategist, a communicator, a coach, a mediator, a diplomat and a politician! To experience sustained and enduring success you must continuously improve and renew your capabilities. You must know how to engage, collaborate with, and lead others. In this important module you will learn how to resolve team conflicts using emotionally intelligent approaches to get more from your team by adapting your management style to every situation. You will learn how to motivate every member of your team - even when they don’t share your values. You will discover how to conduct effective interviews using positive and corrective feedback to turn problem employees around. Whether you’re new to management or working to enhance your effectiveness as a manager, this ourse will help you elevate your game, engaging others to achieve the results you seek.
Strategic Execution: Getting it Done
Every day, you’re judged by your capacity to manage projects, priorities and deadlines. Your ability to execute plans and projects e ectively and on time is critical to your success. This important module is about control - learning how to control yourself, your time and your reactions to events beyond your control. You will develop the skills that will help you get the best results in the least amount of time, juggle priorities with greater ease, thus affording you the opportunity to make greater headway on your exigencies. You will acquire the ability to adjust to shifting demands in a more professional and self-confident manner, thereby creating greater feelings of satisfaction and accomplishment. Specifically you will develop your ability to...
Managing Conflict, Stress and Negative Emotions in the Workplace
The Banff Management Course will improve your understanding of how human behaviour can affect the functioning of an organization. Unquestionably, the pressure of doing more with fewer resources and tighter timelines will only intensify over the next decade. At this important session you will come to recognize the sources, symptoms and effects of stress and will develop strategies for effectively preventing, reducing, and managing it. You will lessen relationship stress by learning how to dramatically enhance your ability to deal more effectively with different and sometimes difficult people. This module will also arm you with the skills needed to maintain emotional control at work - and to survive the negative emotions of others.
INFLUENCE: Getting Results - Even When You Are Not In Charge
Whether you’re interacting with colleagues, subordinates or senior management; gaining respect and cultivating in uence are absolutely essential to your success. You need to communicate your ideas persuasively to senior management, influence your colleagues to support your proposals and convince your team to, “buy in.” You must know how to analyze your audience and frame your messages in ways that make others feel connected to you. At this session you will discover the seven essential influence strategies and discover which is most appropriate to each communication event.